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Challah Baking For JFS - Take 1 Donate 1

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 13 Shevat 5784

4:30 PM - 6:30 PMHar El

Har El and Jewish Family Services join forces to give back to the community!

Join us for our challah baking event - Bake a challahs & support food security.

Each person will make three challahs. One to take home and the rest will be donated to Jewish Family Services to support their food security program.

Har El partners with Jewish Family Services (JFS) as a Food Hub, distributing groceries for community members in the North Shore who are experiencing food insecurity. The JFS Challah Baking Program builds on this partnership and invites you, the Har El community, to contribute to tikkum olam (repairing the world), while enjoying the beautiful community experience of baking challah together. Challah baked through this program is distributed directly to JFS clients in the biweekly grocery orders.

For questions and more information contact Noga at


The event is free but a donation will be appreciated. Please give to help support food security at the North Shore
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Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785